Sunday 17 January 2016

Sherlock and Self Portraits

Recently I have really been enjoying painting digitally on my graphics tablet. I have been feeling more excited about drawing digitally than traditionally which is a new feeling for me.

I think I am finally starting to feel comfortable drawing in Photoshop and like I sort of know what I am doing now. Compared with my experience in traditional art,  I am still very new to digital painting - I only did my first digital piece in January of last year.

So it has taken me a year to finally be pleased with the pieces I create digitally and it really is a lovely feeling. I finally find more enjoyment in it than frustration. I would say this feeling started with the two digital paintings I did after watching the New Year's special of Sherlock (which by the way was amaaazing). I painted Watson and Sherlock and I really wanted to be able to achieve a likeness to the characters but in a stylised way. I think I achieved this with Watson, not so much with Sherlock, but I am still pleased because I think I made a lot of progress with these paintings.

I also wanted to experiment with different Photoshop brushes and not just use the basic round brush. I chose one from the dry media section I think and this meant I was able to create a lot more texture than I normally can and I love the way this looks.

The third painting I have done digitally is the one that I am most pleased with.  I have been feeling very inspired by Taryn Knight's (or TarynDraws) art recently - I love the texture that she creates in her illustrations, so that is what inspired this piece. I decided to just do a little self portrait and I really tried to be more adventurous with my choice of colour and texture (for example in the hair) and I think I was pretty successful. 

I am looking forward to continuing with digital art and I would like to challenge myself to do more full body paintings because I am getting too comfortable with drawing the head and shoulders. Also, maybe next time I should try and paint a setting for my characters because  I really struggle with this and would like to improve.

Thanks for reading!

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