Saturday 21 May 2016

Amy and Rory

One of my goals for this year was to start drawing full-body portraits more often in order to improve at drawing the human figure. This digital painting is just a bit of Doctor Who fan art, but I made an effort to draw Amy and Rory's full bodies.

As usual, I began by drawing some thumb nails so I could figure out the positions that I wanted them to be in and the composition of the piece.

Once I had drawn one I was happy with I then developed it into a bigger, more detailed sketch.

Here's the final illustration:

Overall, I'm pretty pleased with this illustration, especially as an early attempt at illustrating the whole body. I think Amy worked better than Rory because she seems more relaxed and natural and my favourite detail from the painting is Amy's shirt, so I know to include more details in future paintings.

Thanks for reading!

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