Saturday 21 May 2016


I finally watched the new Star Wars film and it was amazing, I loved it so much. As always after watching a film I really like I have to do some fan art, so here is my drawing of Rey:

I used watercolours and coloured pencils for this illustration and I had a lot of fun playing around with the lines in her costume and experimenting with their colour. Overall, I am really pleased with this one!

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The Royal Armouries Museum

Recently my family and I visited the Royal Armouries in Leeds which is a free museum specialising in arms and armour. Obviously I took my sketchbook because museum sketching is one of my favourite things to do. Ever. I did a few pages of quick sketches and notes while we were there to use as reference and inspiration for future illustrations and drawings.

Visiting the museum left me feeling super inspired so I went home and drew some more (these are the more detailed sketches towards the end). I really wanted to focus on the clothes that the characters were wearing in these drawings and I enjoyed it so much, it is definitely something I will be doing more of in the future. For the minute these are just conceptual sketches, but I am sure I will incorporate them into some illustrations in the future.

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Amy and Rory

One of my goals for this year was to start drawing full-body portraits more often in order to improve at drawing the human figure. This digital painting is just a bit of Doctor Who fan art, but I made an effort to draw Amy and Rory's full bodies.

As usual, I began by drawing some thumb nails so I could figure out the positions that I wanted them to be in and the composition of the piece.

Once I had drawn one I was happy with I then developed it into a bigger, more detailed sketch.

Here's the final illustration:

Overall, I'm pretty pleased with this illustration, especially as an early attempt at illustrating the whole body. I think Amy worked better than Rory because she seems more relaxed and natural and my favourite detail from the painting is Amy's shirt, so I know to include more details in future paintings.

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