Friday 25 March 2016

A Study in Purple

Recently, I think I have been going through a bit of an art block. I have just been struggling to find the inspiration and motivation to draw. So, I figured the best thing to do would be to get rid of the pressure that I have to make something amazing and different and just experiment.

The main idea for this drawing was to be more adventurous and careful in my colour choices. I started off with the lilac skin and then looked at a colour wheel to determine what colours would be best to use along side this. I chose to use a harmonious colour for the hair, hence the red, and then a complementary colour for the eyes, hence the yellow. Overall, I think the colours work well together.

One thing I found with this drawing was, perhaps because it is pretty different to what I would usually do, I was more willing to try different techniques for the shading and line work and I think that the outcome is quite nice, I especially like how the face and hair turned out.

I did struggle with drawing the body because I used no reference photographs. The plan was to draw to the hips, but I reverted back to my usual and stopped just below the shoulders, so this is something I definitely need to work on.

Overall, I think this was a successful little painting as I am pretty pleased with the outcome and it left me slightly more inspired - a feeling I have been missing.

Thanks for reading!

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