Monday 9 January 2017


Hello! Let me begin by wishing you a happy new year! With the arrival of the new year I have decided to try and be more active on here again. Unfortunately, life got a bit hectic before Christmas with A-levels and university applications so my poor blog was abandoned, but I'm back and with any luck you can expect more frequent posts, as well as on my Instagram. (You can follow me here). 

Before Christmas I attended a workshop at Tate Modern (in-depth post coming soon!), and it's safe to say I had a bit of a eureka moment in terms of my illustration and the direction I want to take it in. Basically, I. Am. Obsessed. With. Texture. This has lead to me working a lot more in collage and coloured pencil and I am loving it! I haven't felt so inspired and driven in so long, or so pleased with what I'm creating.

Here are some more recent drawings from my sketchbook:

This year I hope to really make time to develop my illustration, but also my love of reading. I'm thinking of starting a series of posts where I review and recommend some books and graphic novels - exciting!

I can't wait to see how my art progresses! Thanks for reading!