Tuesday 9 August 2016

Stranger Things

I recently had the pleasure of watching Stranger Things on Netflix and have since re-watched it with my family. I think it is a really great show and I hope so much that they make a series 2! So, as always after watching an amazing film or series- a bit of fan art has to follow!  

I decided to draw Nancy. I liked her character a lot, but I liked her outfits even more,  I'll take one of each please!

This is an important drawing for me because it is the first digital illustration that I am truly proud of and happy with, it's such an incredible feeling! I actually got my graphics tablet about a year ago so it  just goes to show what a year of practice can do.

I am also super pleased with the style of this drawing. Style is something I have been feeling really frustrated with at the moment, but , since doing this drawing, I can say that I am happy with the direction mine is heading. I like that the face is incredibly simplified, but I think I was still able to capture a likeness and her expression. I can't wait to see where my style and digital drawing abilities will progress!

Thanks for reading!


I was in the mood to draw a portrait recently to try and get me out of a bit of a block ( it worked!) and who better to draw than Malala Yousafzai?! For me, she is an incredibly inspiring woman because of her work for female education and equality. Therefore, for this portrait I felt it was important to successfully capture her determined expression to pay tribute to her work and bravery.

I was inspired by the amazing illustrations of Isabelle Arsenault (check out her work here) to try working a lot of texture into the portrait. I did this by using multiple layers of watercolour and coloured pencil. I have really been enjoying this combination recently.

I am really pleased with the finished piece. I think it is probably the strongest portrait I have ever done thanks to the texture, colours and the expression. I hope it does Malala justice!

Thanks for reading!